ECO Energy Service's

EPC Rating and its Benefits: How and Why You Should Improve EPC Rating

How to Improve EPC Rating in 8 Easy Steps

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If you are living in the UK and own a property, you need to have an Energy Performance Certificate. The document entails the usage of energy and its cost along with recommendation on how to improve it. 

The rating is given from A to G (“A” being the most energy efficient and “G” being the least efficient). If you are not aware of what EPC rating is all about how to improve it, and much more. And if you are not interested in any of these, we will also mention some of the benefits of improving EPC rating. Let’s begin.

What is an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Rating?

Energy Performance Certificate is an essential part of selling, buying, and renting homes in the United Kingdom. The certificate entails everything from the property’s efficiency to the amount of energy used per meter square. 

It also contains information on the level of carbon monoxide released per tonne in a year. The EPC certificate is valid for 10 years. Once the validity expires, you need to get a new EPC before selling or renting your house. 

EPC certificate is also helpful for homeowners to enhance the comfort of their home, increase efficiency, and cut down costs

How to Get an EPC Certificate?

To get an EPC certificate for your house, you need to find a trusted assessor. They will inspect your property and give you a certificate containing information about energy usage, carbon emissions, and the overall rating of the property.

Why High EPC Rating is Important?

Except for a few properties, it is important for homeowners to obtain an EPC certificate before selling it. It becomes easier for buyers to make a decision when choosing between several houses. The better the EPC rating, the quicker the chances of selling the house, and the higher the offer. 

For instance, if your EPC rating is D or below, the potential buyer may not be willing to buy as much as with an EPC rating of A, B, or C. The value of your property will also be lower than those of high EPC rating. 

If you are not taking EPC rating seriously, don’t get it sidelined. Improve your EPC rating by following the recommendations given on the certificate. 

Once you are done improving your EPC rating, it is time to get your home inspected and let the changes be reflected in the certificate. The majority of mortgage companies are now offering certain benefits to customers buying homes with a better EPC rating.

What Questions Will I be Asked by the Assessor to Get an EPC Certificate?

Calling someone for a home audit to evaluate heating performance and efficiency will require you to answer a few questions. Here is a list of some of the questions you will be asked during a home audit by the assessor. 

  1. What year and month was the property built? 
  2. Did you make any alterations, conversions, or extensions to the existing property?
  3. If any of the loft was converted into a room, when was it completed?
  4. Does your property have any cavity wall insulation?
  5. Has your property ever been inspected before?
  6. Did you add any double-glazed doors or windows to your home?
  7. If your property has any underfloor insulation, is it visible or do you have the receipts of the work?
  8. Does your house have a single or double electricity meter?
  9. Have you installed any heat recovery technology?

How much does an EPC Certificate Cost in the UK?

The Energy Performance Certificate cost in the UK normally ranges from £60 to £120. However, it may vary depending on several factors such as the size of the property, structure of your house, provider, and location. It is important to compare the quotes from different assessors to get the best quote that suits your budget. 

In some cases, getting an EPC certificate can cost you more. This is because some homeowners prefer to get it from a real estate agent. However, negotiating might help you save some money.

When Should an EPC Certificate be Updated?

Once you have made changes in your home such as improving insulation, upgrading the boiler, and installing energy-saving appliances, you can get an updated EPC certificate. Especially, if you are listing your property for rent or sale, you may get it as early as possible to get a higher price.

What is the EPC grading system?

The EPC grading system is an efficiency measure of your home on a scale from A to G. A being the highest and G being the lowest rating. The rating is given by the certified assessor after taking several factors into consideration such as insulation type, heat and energy loss, and double-glazed windows and doors. 

After inspection, each of the factors will be rated or scored according to the efficiency and an average EPC rating will be given by the assessor. The assessor will also rate each part following the Standard Assessment Procedure. Here’s an overview of the EPC band grading system according to the score.

EPC RatingSAP Points

Why You Should Improve Home’s EPC Rating?

If you are still reluctant to improve your home’s EPC rating, think again. It costs you little but serves you for many years. For instance, if you are a homeowner, and want to rent out or sell your home, you need to have a good EPC rating to get a better price. If the property’s EPC rating is below E, it is illegal to rent out the property. 

Another reason to get a higher EPC rating is that it allows you to take measures to improve efficiency. It can be anything from improving home insulation to upgrading boiler or installing double-glazed windows. 

EPC rating as mentioned earlier also helps in selling your property at a higher rate. Potential buyers are more interested in properties with a good EPC rating. Failing to improve it can lead to disappointments and losing potential customers. 

Lastly, an EPC rating is an ideal way to reduce your carbon footprint by knowing how efficient your house is and what measures can be taken to reduce carbon emissions. 

Now you have learned much about EPC rating, Energy Performance Certificate, and its importance. It’s now time to reveal some of the ways to improve EPC rating by taking simple measures. Here’s everything you need to know.

How to Improve the EPC Rating of My House?

Boosting energy efficiency and EPC rating can be easily done by installing an underfloor heating system. One of the advantages of an underfloor heating system is that it can operate at lower temperatures, which reduces energy consumption and provides better heat. 

Underfloor heating systems can be used both with a central heating system or as a primary heating source to improve energy efficiency and as a cost-effective means to keep your home warm. However, one thing is for sure, it is too complex to install an underfloor heating system. Make sure to check the feedback and reviews of people who have already installed it in their homes for better understanding.

EPC Rating

Up till now, you may have had an idea how EPC rating works, what is the cost of obtaining an Energy Performance Certificate, and the importance of EPC for your house. The next question you should ask is how to improve the EPC rating of my house.

We will explain it in this section to give you an idea of how to turn your inefficient house into a super-efficient one that emits low carbon, produces more heat, and consumes minimum energy. Let’s begin.

Get an Audit of Your House

It is better to hire a professional instead of randomly guessing to improve the EPC rating. Hiring a professional to audit your house will benefit you in plenty of ways. Not only you will get the chance to make improvements in your EPC rating, but also get suggestions from an expert on how to prevent heat loss and invest in ways that could benefit you in the long run. 

The majority of home inspection is free. So make sure to get the most out of it and invest in something that could help you in the long run.

Upgrade Your Boiler

One of the reasons for getting a low EPC rating is because of the old boiler. The older it is, the greater the energy it uses and the less the warmth. This means you are directly emitting more carbon and putting an extra burden on your pocket. 

Switching to a new boiler means improving your EPC rating by up to 40%. However, it is a matter of concern for many households as replacing an old boiler with a new one requires thousands of pounds. On top of it, you also need to pay an installation fee and other charges if applicable. 

But still, you can improve your EPC rating by applying for the ECO4 Boiler Grant Scheme.

The new Boiler Grant UK scheme is eligible for residents of the UK having their own homes or living as private tenants. If you are having a boiler more than 15 years old and receiving government benefits such as Child Benefits, Pension Credit, Working Tax Credit, or Housing Benefits, you are eligible to apply. Make sure to check your eligibility by entering the postcode. 

Once your boiler has been upgraded with a new one, you can improve the EPC rating of your house and increase the value of your house.

Install Double/Triple Glazed Windows

Heat loss in any house could result in lowering your EPC rating. Preventing the heat loss from your property could help you save as much as 40% of it. One of the best things you could do to improve your EPC rating is to install double or triple-glazed windows. Although it could be a costly investment, you could do it in parts. 

It is better to start with one room where you and your family members sit often. Once you have enough in your bank, you can invest in other rooms by installing triple-glazed windows to improve heating efficiency and improve EPC rating.

Upgrade Your Lighting System

One of the best ways to improve your EPC score is by upgrading your lighting system. Instead of using old-fashioned bulbs and halogen lights, replace them with LEDs. It will not play a significant role in boosting your rating but will help you cover the margin to raise your level. 

If you are a tech geek, you may consider installing smart lighting in your home. It can be synced with other smart devices, can be controlled remotely, and plays a significant role in an eco-friendly environment.

Insulate the Roof and Walls

Revamping your house before winter arrives can bring significant change in the outlook. While remodeling your house, you can also consider installing insulation on walls and roofs. The insulation is meant to prevent heat loss and is one of the effective ways to improve efficiency. 

For instance, if you go for loft insulation, a minimum thickness of 270mm can play a significant role in reducing heat loss. 

Another way to achieve maximum efficiency is through wall insulation. If there are holes and gaps in your walls, you must consider insulating them properly to prevent heat loss. The cost of wall insulation can vary from one service provider to another. However, the typical range of wall insulation costs around £300-£500. 

Insulating your roof and walls will bring a massive improvement in efficiency, prevent heat loss, and improve EPC rating. If you apply for a free boiler grant, you may also get a chance to improve insulation without bearing any cost.

Install underfloor heating

Boosting energy efficiency and EPC rating can be easily done by installing an underfloor heating system. One of the advantages of an underfloor heating system is that it can operate at lower temperatures, which reduces energy consumption and provides better heat. 

Underfloor heating systems can be used both with a central heating system or as a primary heating source to improve energy efficiency and as a cost-effective means to keep your home warm. However, one thing is for sure, it is too complex to install an underfloor heating system. Make sure to check the feedback and reviews of people who have already installed it in their homes for better understanding.

Go for Renewable Energy

If you are worried about your energy bills, there is a long-term investment that will pay you for years. Installing renewable energy sources such as solar panels and air-source heat pumps would be a great investment. 

No doubt, it is one of the best ways to save energy and make your home energy-efficient. However, the problem is its cost which requires almost a fortune. If you are looking for a renewable energy source to power up your home, make sure to invest little by little.

Benefits of Improving EPC Rating

What’s the point of getting an Energy Performance Certificate and why to improve your EPC rating? Well, there are several reasons apart from improving the efficiency of your home. Let’s talk about some of the benefits of improving the EPC rating of your house

Cut in Energy Bills

It’s a nightmare for residents of the UK to see a massive surge in energy bills. Highly efficient heating systems such as boilers and air source heat pumps will reduce the consumption of energy and produce more heat. In addition, replacing your old boiler with a new one is also a major contributor to improving EPC rating and reducing energy bills. 

If you are worried about high energy bills, it is now time to take action and take measures to improve your EPC rating. The one-time investment would help you save money for many years to come. So don’t delay it and improve the EPC rating of your house now.

Increase in Value of Your House

As discussed earlier, it is compulsory for a homeowner to have a valid Energy Performance Certificate to sell or rent a home. A higher EPC rating means more potential buyers and increased value of your property. 

In the near future, if you are going to sell your house, make sure to take action and increase your EPC rating. According to a study, houses with good EPC ratings can expect an increase anywhere between £8000-£10,000. Similarly, if you wish to rent your property, make sure to work on improving your EPC rating as it will help in improving rental yield.

Life Expectancy of Property Increases

A well-insulated house without leaks can increase the life of the property. For instance, if your house is well insulated, there are fewer chances of developing damp patches and molds that would otherwise damage the walls and roof. It can also prevent heat loss, which ultimately leads to reduced heating bills. Lastly, it would lessen the cost of repairs and maintenance by taking appropriate measures to improve EPC ratings.

Promoting Eco-Friendly Environment

The impact of heat loss and more energy consumption can lead to increased use of gas and more carbon emissions. These harmful emissions can lead to global warming and other fatal impact on the earth. However, having an energy-efficient home with a high EPC rating can improve the overall impact on the environment, leading to an eco-friendly planet, and reducing energy bills.

Relief in Tax

At present, there is no tax relief given to homeowners with a good EPC rating. However, the government is considering giving tax relief in the future to homeowners taking measures to reduce carbon emissions and making their homes energy efficient.

Less Tenant Turnover

If your home has a good EPC rating, it will not only help in increasing the value of your house but also attract prospective tenants. This means you are going to yield better rent every month. Moreover, it will also reduce the tenant’s turnover due to a good EPC rating, more savings on energy bills, less carbon emissions, and peace of mind

Summing Up

That’s all you need to know about what is an EPC rating, why it is important, its benefits, and how to improve it. If you want more updates on the ECO4 scheme and how to be energy efficient, make sure to keep visiting


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