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Common Sources of Heat Loss in Your House: 7 Ways to Prevent Heat Loss from Home in Winter

Common Sources of Heat Loss in Your House

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Staying at home without feeling cold is just awesome. However, the opposite might be a big turn-off. Although it might seem a bit weird how could someone feel cold while staying home? Even if the heating system is turned on, the possibilities of feeling cold and shivering are high. 

The reason is that the home is not properly insulated and the heat escapes from the house. But what most people do is increase the thermostat of the heating system and waste energy without taking appropriate measures to stop. 

Unfortunately, most people aren’t aware of where the heat escapes from their houses. You may find some of the visible areas such as open doors, holes, and broken windows where hot air can escape. But there are some places that are not visible but are a big culprit in heat loss. All it ends up paying more energy bills due to heat loss. 

Preventing heat loss in your house is important not only to save on energy bills but also to reduce carbon emissions. So what are the most common areas of your house where heat loss normally occurs? And what preventive measures you can adopt to stop heat loss in winter? But before that, we would like to shed some light on what is heat loss and why you must adopt preventive measures to reduce heat loss. Here’s everything you need to know.

What is Heat Loss?

Heat loss typically refers to the heat escapes from the house to the outside usually through cracks, gaps, walls, roof, floors, and windows. Other heat loss sources can also be due to light installation, plumbing, and electric outlets. 

The process of heat loss occurs due to conduction, radiation, and convection. As we know hot air flows from a higher temperature to a lower temperature. Your home is warmer than the temperature outside, as a result, heat inside escapes to a lower temperature.

Reasons to Prevent Heat Loss from Home

Heat loss is common and can be controlled by taking appropriate measures. Your home is equipped with a heating system to keep it warm and comfortable during winter. In the process of heat loss, your heating system needs to work continuously to keep the temperature warm and comfortable. The process of heat loss and extra working of the heating system will surge your energy bills. Moreover, it can also lessen the life of your equipment due to overwork.

Common Sources of Heat Loss in Your House

As the winter season arrives, things are going to turn from bad to worse, if you have not made any arrangements. Due to heavy snowfall and cold winds, your home is going to freeze if the hidden and visible areas are not taken care of. Let’s find out some of the common sources of heat loss in your house.

Basement Walls and Floors

The most common area of heat loss is basement walls responsible for 20 percent loss of heat. It normally occurs due to cement slabs and basement walls that are not insulated properly. If your basement is made of cement, make sure to complete it to prevent heat loss. This can be done by insulating your walls. 

Paint your basement and get it ready just like any other room or area of your house. You can insulate your basements in a number of ways such as using fiber insulation, blanket batts and rolls, reflective foils, and foam boards.

Heat Loss through Cracks

As much as 38% of heat loss occurs due to cracks in the walls, doors, and windows. To avoid heat loss, make sure to install weather stripping around the windows and doors and caulking the joints.


One of the best places in winter for everyone is near the fireplace. It can offer a comfortable and cozy environment on cold freezing nights. However, you need to look at your fireplace before winter arrives. Especially when you are turning it on for the first time, check the unit completely to avoid any hazards. 

Fireplaces that are not installed correctly can result in heat loss. The fireplace must be installed by a professional as fireplace dampers can allow hot air to move out of the chimney, which can cause a big surge in bills.

Ceiling Openings

Heat loss can occur due to openings, cracks, and leaks. They all can be found on ceilings, walls, and floors. This could lead to a 31% loss of heat, which can ultimately cost you a great deal of money in terms of bills. 

However, to avoid 31% heat loss, make sure to fill and seal the gaps and cracks. Replace any broken tiles and if there are holes in the wall or ceiling, fill it up with a plaster of Paris. Attic insulation should also be checked if you have not done it in years.

Damaged Ductwork

If the ductwork is damaged, the heat may not reach your home produced by the heating system. The best way to check damaged ductwork is to look at small holes and other signs such as dust. One of the best ways to detect damaged ductwork is by looking at your thermostat. If the temperature of your room is not according to the settings on the thermostat, the signs indicate your ductwork is not working properly. The only solution is to hire a technician to take care of it, as it is not your piece of cake.

Ways to Prevent Heat Loss from Home in Winter

We have curated some of the points and areas in your house where heat loss occurs. Also, we have provided some quick tips to fix the issue. There are several other ways to prevent heat loss from home in winter. Let’s talk about it.

Insulate Your Home Properly

One of the best ways to prevent heat loss during winter is to properly insulate your home. It will allow you to feel the comfort and heat that you expect in chilling cold weather. Moreover, it also helps in reducing your cost of turning on the heating system as it will warm up the house without operating for long. Try to insulate doors, windows, attic, floors, and walls before the winter arrives. Insulating your house will also impact directly on EPC rating. The better the rating, the more efficient your home will be which ultimately leads to increased value of your house.

Weatherstrip Your Windows

Windows can play a pivotal role in the winter season for heat loss, which is surely not a good thing. Caulking around window frames will allow you to prevent heat loss during winter. Moreover, if you try installing double or triple-paned windows, you can also prevent hot air loss due to conduction through glass.

Seal the Chimney

A chimney in your house will allow more heat loss than anything else. However, if you have the latest fireplace without a chimney, you only need to seal it or just hire a professional to do so. In case your fireplace is old, you can seal the area with a removable chimney balloon to avoid heat loss.

Use Draft Stoppers

Heat loss is common during the winter especially when it comes to door frames. Normally the heat loss occurs under the door, which can be stopped using draft-proofing strips. You can also use caulk to seal the door and prevent hot air leakages.

Gaps Between the Floorboards

The heat also escapes through cracks or gaps found in the wooden floorboards. It can be sealed using paper mache to prevent heat loss and insects from entering your home. Using paper mache for sealing floorboards is easy. All you need to do is mix waste paper with water to seal the gaps.

Use Curtains to Prevent Heat Loss

Curtains not only help in enhancing the looks of your house but also prevent noise and heat loss. If your windows that are opening outside the house are not covered with curtains, you need to cover them with heavy curtains. A huge difference will be seen in the temperature and the level of noise.

Install an Extractor Fan with Timer

Extractor fans are normally installed in the kitchen and other areas to control humidity and excessive heat. However, they are good for the summer season as they allow hot air to get out of the house. But if your extractor fan is running in winter without any reason, it can cause massive heat loss. 

The only way to prevent heat loss during winter is to install an extractor fan with a timer. Even if you forget to turn it off, the timer will automatically shut it down.

Summing Up

In this post, we have discussed everything from areas where heat escapes from your house to preventive measures to avoid it. If you are interested in more posts like this, keep visiting


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