ECO Energy Service's

Does Landlord Insurance Cover Your Boiler?


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Undeniably, being a landlord isn’t a walk in the park. One of the main duties is to look after your tenants’ happiness and comfort. And what’s a key player in pulling this off? A working boiler! When the winter months roll in and the cold bites, a reliable boiler is vital for turning up the heat and providing hot water. But what if your trusty boiler decides to pack up just when it’s needed the most?

This is where landlord insurance boiler steps in. But is it really true that landlord insurance covers the boiler for a tenant? That’s a cracking question, and we’re here to spell it out for you in a way that’s easy to get your head around.

What is landlord insurance boiler?

Landlord’s boiler cover is a special plan just for the boiler if it breaks down. It pays for repair engineers or replacements hassle-free. It’s a good option instead of adding boiler coverage to landlord insurance. As a result, it can save money and give better protection. What’s included varies by the policy. But basic cover protects only the boiler. Costlier ones cover the whole heating system.

Understanding landlord insurance boiler coverage

Renting out a property comes with its own set of risks. Landlord insurance boiler acts like a shield, protecting tenants from unexpected financial blows. Imagine a fire – nasty business! Landlord insurance can help cover the repairs to get your rental property back in tip-top shape. Or maybe a tenant gets hurt on the property so liability coverage in your landlord insurance can help with medical expenses or legal fees if things escalate.

And let’s not forget the income side of things. What happens if a burst pipe forces your tenants to move out for a while? Loss of rental income coverage in some landlord insurance policies can help you recoup some of that lost income during those unexpected situations.

Now, this is just a quick overview. The exact coverage of boiler insurance for landlords can vary depending on the company and the policy you choose. So, before you sign on the dotted line, be sure to read the fine print to understand exactly what’s covered. It’s all about making sure you have the right protection in place for your rental property and your peace of mind!

What does landlord insurance cover?

Landlord insurance is a lifesaver for property owners who rent out their space including the boiler. It protects you from a variety of financial blows, like damage caused by fire, expiry of a boiler, its theft, or vandalism. But what about the day-to-day stuff that can go wrong inside your rental property? Well, the exact coverage of landlord insurance can vary depending on the specific policy you choose. However, many policies offer something called “buildings insurance.” This part of the policy typically covers the structure of the property itself including the boiler. In simple terms, it includes things like walls, roofs, windows, and of course, the boiler.

Understanding the details of landlord insurance boiler coverage

So, we’ve established that landlord insurance might cover your boiler. But, there’s more to the story. Here are a few key things to keep in mind:


Breakdown vs. Wear and Tear

Imagine your tenant wakes up to a freezing apartment because the boiler decided to call it quits. In this scenario, landlord insurance boiler cover could potentially help. Now, many policies cover the cost of repairs or even replacement if a sudden breakdown occurs. However, it’s important to remember that wear and tear is generally not included. So, if your boiler gives up the ghost after years of loyal service, you might be on your own for replacement costs.

Add-on option for boiler insurance for landlords​

Some insurance companies offer boiler cover as an add-on to their standard landlord insurance policies. Moreover, this boiler insurance for landlords can be a great option if you want that extra peace of mind. On top of that, it often includes coverage for repairs and replacements. Furthermore, it includes annual servicing to keep your boiler in tip-top shape.

The importance of regular servicing​

Speaking of keeping your boiler happy, regular servicing is crucial. Not only does it help prevent breakdowns, but it can also extend the lifespan of your boiler. While some landlord insurance boiler might include annual servicing, others might not. So, be sure to check the details of your policy.

Making the right choice about landlord insurance boiler

When it comes to making a choice regarding boiler insurance, you have several options. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each approach:

Landlord insurance with boiler cover:

Pros: This is convenient and potentially cost-effective, especially if breakdowns are a concern.

Cons: It may not be the most comprehensive coverage, depending on the policy.

Separate boiler insurance for landlords:

Pros: Well, this offers more tailored coverage for your boiler, potentially including servicing and repairs beyond breakdowns.

Cons: It can add an extra cost on top of your existing landlord insurance.

Finding the Right Fit for Your Needs

  • There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to landlord insurance and boiler cover. The best choice for you will depend on your specific circumstances. Here are some questions to consider:
  • Age and condition of your boiler: If your boiler is getting on in years, boiler insurance for landlords might be a wise investment.
  • Your risk tolerance: Are you comfortable taking the risk of unexpected boiler repair costs?
  • Your budget: Can you afford the additional cost of a separate boiler insurance policy?

Remember it’s always best to carefully review the details of any insurance policy before you commit. Don’t hesitate to ask your insurance provider questions to ensure you understand exactly what’s covered. By having a clear understanding of landlord insurance and boiler cover, you can make informed decisions to keep your rental property running smoothly and your tenants happy. After all, a comfortable tenant is a happy tenant, and a happy tenant is more likely to stay put, which means a steady stream of income for you!

What to consider when getting a landlord boiler?

  • Boiler Age: Older boilers might need replacing for better efficiency and insurance options.
  • Claim Limits: Some policies limit how often you can claim or use emergency services. Check for extra charges too.
  • Cover Details: Make sure to review what’s covered. Check if parts and labor are included to avoid surprises.
  • Premiums: Higher premiums don’t always mean better coverage. Ensure the policy fits your needs without unnecessary costs.
  • Boiler type: Consider the property size and hot water needs. Combi boilers are good for smaller properties with one bathroom, while systems or conventional boilers might be better for larger ones with multiple bathrooms.
  • Compatibility: Not all boilers work with underfloor heating systems, so ensure compatibility if you have it installed or plan to install it.
  • Efficiency: A new, energy-saving boiler can significantly reduce your heating bills in the long run.
  • Cost: Replacing a boiler can be expensive. Look for government boiler grants or schemes like the “eco4 scheme” (depending on your location) to help offset the cost.  Enter your postcode here and we’ll let you know if you qualify for a free boiler grant. Our process is quick and straightforward.
  • Landlord Responsibilities: You are legally responsible for ensuring the boiler is safe and working properly. This includes annual gas safety checks and repairs when needed.
  • Boiler Servicing: Regular servicing (usually annually) helps prevent breakdowns and keeps the boiler running efficiently.
  • Warranty: Choose a boiler with a good warranty for peace of mind.
  • Reputation: Research boiler brands and installers for good reputations and customer satisfaction.

What’s the difference between manufacturer warranty and boiler insurance?

Manufacturer Warranty​

This free coverage comes with your new boiler. It typically lasts for a set amount of time, like a few years. During this warranty period, the manufacturer will fix any problems caused by faulty materials or mistakes during manufacturing. Think of it like a guarantee that the boiler was built correctly and will work properly for a certain timeframe. There are limitations, though. The warranty usually won’t cover normal wear and tear, damage caused by improper installation or use, or breakdowns happening after the warranty expires.

Boiler Insurance​

This is a separate plan you can buy from an insurance company. It picks up where the manufacturer warranty leaves off. Boiler insurance typically covers repairs for breakdowns due to all sorts of reasons, even normal wear and tear. So, if your boiler breaks down because of old age, a clogged part, or even a mysterious malfunction, the insurance might help pay for the repairs. Boiler insurance plans can vary, so it’s important to check the details carefully. Some might offer additional benefits like annual servicing or 24/7 call-out service for emergencies.


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